Church Plant Journey

Ready, Set, GO!

Mission & Values April 23, 2012

The Need:
Thousands of people living in neighborhoods just like ours throughout Kansas City wake up each morning without knowing and having a relationship with Jesus.

The Mission:
Cultivating communities of Christ-followers for God’s glory.

The Heartland Project eGiving

Our Core Values:
Rooted in Scripture: The Bible is the ultimate source of truth about God, all creation, and life.

Discipleship:  Developing intentional and reproducible relationships focused on Bible reading, prayer, evangelism, and accountability.

Life Together: Whether we are serving in a neighborhood, studying God’s word, or just eating dinner we do these things together as small pockets of community.

Ministry Where Life Happens: God’s story of redemption is most effectively conveyed within relationships in their natural context.

Our City:  We have been called by God to seek the good of our city and reach the people within it.

Multiplication: It is vital that we see healthy reproduction of disciples, leaders and churches.