Church Plant Journey

Ready, Set, GO!

Meat Man March 30, 2013

Filed under: Church Planting — Stefanie @ 4:06 pm

Chris finished up his church plant residency at Cedar Ridge Christian Church in February.  While it was an awesome learning experience for him, it feels good to get that wrapped up.  Next on the agenda — get a part time job to make money and meet people. 


In mid-March, Chris got a job at the HyVee grocery store on Barry Road.  And the best part?  He works in the meat department!  Years of hunting and eating meat makes him a perfect fit for this job! 


Maybe that’s not the best part though…..maybe the best part is the nifty hat he gets to wear.  Freshhhh!




He has to shave for this job.  It’s taken me a while to get used to seeing him without some kind of facial hair!  HyVee’s catchy slogan is “a helpful smile in every aisle.”  Here is Chris modeling his “helpful smile.” 




So if you’re in the market for some fresh meat, go see Chris at HyVee!  His hours vary but he usually works the 3-10pm shift several times a week. 


Paul made tents during his ministry……Chris sells meat.  Do your thing.  




One Response to “Meat Man”

  1. deb borkert Says:

    They should use him for an ad.

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